Female Empowerment to the Extreme

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I don’t even know where to begin with this fangirling mess, but let’s just go with it. When I read this, I had recently come to the realization that I’m not really a strong fantasy lover. I’ll enjoy it here and there, but if you give me intense, high, epic fantasy, Mandy usually loses her patience to dive into a complex, vivid world. I suck like that, I know. If I take my fantasy any way, it’s usually lite and medium well (that is a horrible joke, let’s just ignore it). So, I got a bit worried that I was going to have some struggles, but this book so so so proved me wrong and that good fantasy can transform any hesitant fantasy lover to a true one.

The writing was wickedly good. I never got bored, I never skimmed, I never wondered what in the book heck was going on. As I said, I don’t usually have the patience for world building, which leads me to a lot of confusion, but this book had me immersed in this world and I never wanted to get out. I loved the world that Legrand created, and she explained it so very beautifully.

The world was amazing as well. Yes, it might have some elements that touch on other fantasy worlds, but Legrand combines them all together to create this gorgeous, unique world that I absolutely loved. What’s so amazing is that Legrand created just not one unique world I loved, but TWO. Each one felt the same as they should but they both had some unique magic going on that they were both interesting enough to keep me eager to keep bouncing back and forth.

Speaking of bouncing back and forth, I’m usually super not a fan of bouncing back and forth between/dual narrations stories because I almost always find myself favoring one of the narrations more than the other. However, I LITERALLY COULD NOT DECIDE WHICH ONE I LIKED MORE??? I was so eager to jump into each girl’s world, and it was so interesting for both of their storylines. They ended at just the right time for each one but it didn’t matter if it ended in a cliffhanger because you were jumping into another interesting, fast-paced chapter.

Our two heroines were soooooooo interesting, too. First, you have Rielle is basically the cliche girl pining for a prince she can’t have and fighting to hide her special girl powers, BUT ALAS, SHE IS NOT. She is so much deeper than that, and she is so fierce and powerful. She knows she’s the baddest power person around, she truly cares deeply for those around her, and she takes what she wants. And then Eliana? She’s basically the child of Inej Ghafa and Kaz Brekker. I mean, seriously. Just imagine those two had a child, raised her, and this child would be her. She’s cutthroat, would do anything for those she wants, slightly reckless, snark all around, and ridiculously awesome. Both of them are morally complicated, complex, and totally conflicted (along with being total antiheroes at the same time), but they are still people you want to love and relate to.


The rest of the cast of the characters were super well done as well. I mean, seriously well done. Simon was my ultimate favorite. I loved him dearlyyyyyyyyyyy. He was funny, quirky, a little bit crazy, and all around entertaining. Remy, Zahra, Navi, Audric, Lu, and all the rest of the characters were great, too.

I also didn’t even really need the ships in the story. I was so focused on the craziness going on in the story that I didn’t even need to have me some swoons – and you know I love me some swoons. The ships that were in there, though, were great as well.

Overall, this was such a well done novel. Yes, I did have a few small gripes, but I REALLY DON’T CARE. I DON’T REMEMBER WHAT THEY WERE AND IF THEY EVEN EXISTED SO WE’RE GOING TO PRETEND THEY DON’T. This story was so intriguing and well done and I can’t wait for the next one and I totally am mad at myself for reading this so early because I need more of this book in my life. If you’re looking for a new epic fantasy book to add to your life, add this book quickly to your life because you need it. 5 crowns and the princess train is coming out: Aurora because this is a true classic, Mulan for some fierce heroines, and Moana for a perfect sea of things coming together!