In tandem
Oh my gosh! That first chapter had my heart wrapped up in so many different emotions, siding with Simon and his father, but secretly wondering why the Queen made the choices she made. Then bam! More information about the angels and then entering the mind of the father, whom sacrificed himself to protect his son! Who wouldn't be intrigued?! But then when you think that things will go a certain route but doesn't. And then this child who has no one left to guide him is thrust out into a uncertain world to harbor and protect a baby with nothing but his gift of traveling to get them safely away before the Queen combusts! Wow! Just wow. And to think the complexity of the plot thickens with every sentence and your at the edge of your seat wanting... No. Needing to know more! I can't wait to read the rest of this story. The characters have already branded my brain and wormed their way in.