Too many blurbs with little room for actual content, but I like what I was able to try.

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I have to be honest here, the sample was pretty long on praise and quote blurbs, and didn't leave a lot of room for getting a real idea of the book itself.

However, even with the tiny bit and extrapolating on the quotes, it sounds like the perfect book for those that are reaching for something deeper, yet are still too logical to run out and buy the crystals, dream catchers, or hold hands while singing Cumbyaya. (Can't believe I spelled that right the first time without my checker going nuts!)

I need change and am open to trying new things to get there, yet it has to fit into my intrinsic linear, logical, or linear way of thinking. (You choose whichever world you like.)

Months ago, I would have thought something like a gratitude journal was crazy pants, then I looked at the research and started my own. Um yeah, the change was powerful.

My point is that I'm all for the rest of Elevate and eager to read the rest and put it to work!