Too Polarized

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Set in the 1980's when female cops were still trying to work their way into hard work, "The Dirty Dozen" is set in London. Jane Tennison is one of the squad’s first female detectives. The cover has nothing to do with the story – it is a rather bland and/or generic cover.

The story starts off with action and a lot of London/English/British vernacular that could make it hard to understand for an American reader. Also the vibe is very “women are smart; men are dumb”. One reviewer noted the men seem like jerks and compared 1980 to 1950. I was about four (4) in 1980 and most men were macho as women were just entering male dominated jobs. It was a natural reaction for some men to fight against the standard, but at heart still be good guys. I know that won’t sit well with people of today – but again, unless you were around then, you don’t understand.

Getting back to the first look – the tone is too overwhelming in social narrative, as well as action. While I enjoy crime dramas, this one is a bit off-putting. Perhaps it is the “American vs. British” deal. But, I’ll pass on this one.