A Thrilling Read With An Unexpected Twist

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Beginning with the opening, I felt a bond with Kate Woodcroft. Her story was initially a mystery; a single woman, no children, and workaholic tendencies. A barrister who specializes in cases involving sexual crimes. One doesn't enter into that kind of work just because; there's a story here. I liked Kate and was awed by her passion and felt sympathy towards her right away. It was imperative that I understand her.

James is straightaway, a likable character. Despicable though his affair was, it was hard not to believe that it was a one-off; that Olivia was simply a spurned lover seeking revenge. Throughout the story, I found myself rooting for him; as much as I liked Kate, I didn't want to see her win her case. I couldn't help but think that James was her personified revenge against whatever had made her the woman she was. And in a way, that was true.

I fully expected James to win, to be acquitted of the rape charges, for his family to be brought back together, for everyone to simply move on. Not so. I never expected that James, though acquitted, was actually guilty. I didn't expect a private confession to his wife. Given his political status, ambitious nature, and unapologetic personality, I went from liking him to hating him. More than ever, I bonded with Kate. Her pain and sense of professional failure became my own.

The metamorphosis of Holly into Kate became obvious early in the book. Some of the particulars were a surprise but overall, I expected something like it. Nevertheless, I cried with Holly in that June of 1993. Seeing her innocence and trust die because of someone who was thoughtless (not necessarily violent or criminal) and self-centered, under the influence of youthful stupidity, made her own horrors all the more tragic. Such things can happen to anyone. You or me. That realization made her all the more real.

Although I never really did care for Sophie (too wishy-washy and initially unsupportive) I was surprised by her behavior in the final chapters. Her decision to no longer stand by James took me by surprise. And I found that I respected her just a little bit. She helped to ensure that eventually James would no longer continue behaving as he pleased without consequences.

I found the story to be well-written. Not lacking in detail and description, the pace and tension were just right. It was hard to close the book at night and to not shirk daily responsibilities for the sake of finishing the book. I like it when an author does that.

Overall, this is an excellent read. To bypass it would be a serious error in literary judgment.