Great Read

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The cover is absolutely amazing! Loved the color scheme.

Yolanda is an attorney at a powerful law firm that just got raided for fraud. Yolanda isn't going to go down with the company after she's worked so hard to get to where she is, and takes some documents on her way out the door as proof of tr firm's crimes. She eventually works with the FBI and her assignment is to be a "spy" in this community that are known as terrorists from her old neighborhood. She begins to form relationships in the community, and is realizing they are not what they seem. Yolanda's big struggle is whether or not she should follow the rules, or do what she feels is right.

My favorite parts were the flashbacks with her mother. It really let you understand more of Yolanda and why she is so determined to be successful. I really could have done it out the romance aspect, but overall it was a great read that I will definitely recommend to another reader.