Great mystery/thriller!!

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A Spy in the Struggle centers on Yolanda, a whistleblower lawyer, turned FBI agent who is sent to infiltrate a Black EcoTerrorist group in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has no undercover experience, but has the demographics the Bureau is looking for for this assignment. She goes to Holloway, and joins the group, only to join right when the group begins to investigate the suspicious murder of a young black woman of an alleged overdose.

Also at the forefront of the plot, especially in the second half of the book is Yolanda’s love life and mixing business with pleasure, so to speak. The romance was a little too focused on, and would have been better served minimized or eliminated altogether. Yolanda is a strong female character, and her getting hung up on romance trivializes that.

Overall, this was a wonderful book, written by a POC about a strong, black female protagonist. Plot was strong and flowed well. Definitely would recommend, especially to those interested in social justice.