An interesting read

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Thank you @kensingtonbooks @bookishfirst for my review copy.

Yolanda is a FBI agent, sent to spy on an African American “extremist” activist group. The group believes that a local biotech company is exploiting the neighborhood using government funded money.

For most of this book, I did not think I’d be giving it a thumbs up in my review. Honestly, I almost DNFed it. The last quarter of the book really turned it around for me. And the more I keep thinking about this book, the more I feel like I liked it.

I labeled it as contemporary fiction, but really it blends many genres. There’s some romance, mystery/thriller, and spy/espionage. It’s also very relevant discussing issues of racial injustice, racism, socioeconomic and environmental issues.

📚Read this if you’re looking for something a little different, enjoy espionage novels, or if you like books that discuss current social/political issues.