Bryce Gibby

Bryce Gibby, has lived his own odyssey, having flown over 13,000 hours as an airline captain and professional aviator, flying the skies of Europe, Iceland, Greenland, North America and Mexico. As a freelance writer, Bryce has traversed lands of ancient legends, on the British Isles and the European continent, researching history and myth, seeking untold adventures and discovering forgotten threads of truth in the tapestry of old tales. His seven-book series, Chronicles of the Heroic, is convincingly written, thrilling, romantic, frightening, humorous, epic. With spellbinding style, he weaves tales of queens and kings, immortals and demigods, wizards and witches, rousing gallantry and abysmal barbarism.

In addition to these works of historical fiction, Bryce has authored biographies of aviation pioneers and courageous young women who changed the course of history.


Books from Bryce Gibby