So Excited!

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What better book than a Jewish golem girl going after Nazis? Need I even say more? Cause if ya'll have ever read a review I've done here as nomussfussreader, or everywhere else online as Jeneane Vanderhoof, you should know I say a lot- always! It just need not be said here. I don't think this book could be bad!!

And while it might have been nice to see a Nazi sign burning on the cover, with our current society as inflamed as it is with hate, that would just be in bad taste, I believe. I think the cover is absolutely alluring and would draw any reader to it. The book description was perfect on the back and had me so excited I even read it to my husband. I can't wait to read this book and if I get a copy I would crack it open right away!

See, I couldn't even keep it as short as I would have liked. But this is short, for me. Excited! Excited! Excited!