Fantastically Tragic

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As I began to read this I thought Zombies. But our Main character is no zombie. Kajal is just a troubled girl who just lost her sister and caused the deaths of 6 other men. Wrought with pain she vows to resurrect her sister, Lasya.

After months pass and several failed experiments she was finally able to revive a dog. Next step Lasya. The problem now is that her sister has been dead too long and her poor soul is corrupted and now that Kajal has unleashed her she has to set it right.

As terrible as it feels to loose a loved one Kajal's actions were foolish because NOTHING ever good comes from resurrecting the dead.

I found the first look enthralling and definitely wanted to keep reading. I want to know how she fixes the mess she made. Does she fix her sister or did she have to end her permanently. I am fully invested now and must know the outcome of this gothic horror meeting historical fantasy.