A captivating tale of good and evil and those who are both

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First, the characters are well developed and realistic, especially our protagonist Kajal. I really resonated with the fact that each character thought they were doing the right thing, especially in a story about good and evil, which tend to be a bit cliche, but not this one!
The elements of Indian mythology were well explained and the explanations never detract from the main story at all, which can be hard to pull off effectively. I would appreciate a glossary for quick reference in the back of the book, though.
The story has so many amazing twists and turns! I figured out the main plot twist well in advance which is a positive in my opinion. I love being given enough to guess at what's to come and this novel pulls through deliciously on what it sets up. I was surprised the books ended a bit abruptly without resolving some of the huge plot lines, but I'm super excited for the next installment!