One of my favourite books of 2020

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I really enjoyed We Hunt The Flame, it was one of my favourite books that I read in 2020 and I absolutely recommend it! Both the plot and the characters are well developed, even though I have to confess that the first few chapters left a me a little puzzled but then everything clicked into place. I loved how complex the main characters, Zafira the Hunter and Nasir the Prince of Death, were. They are both fighting the darkness they feel growing inside them but even the side characters, Deen, Kifah, Benyamin and Yasmine are fleshed out and I got attached to all of them very quickly.

The writing was magical, it flowed very well and it felt as if I were on the island of Sharr, in the caliphate of Demenhur or in the palace in Sultan's Keep. The plot was very fast-paced, I couldn't stop reading, and the fact that the chapters weren't too long also helped keeping me on the edge of my seat. I loved it!