Loved but fell short

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We Hunt the Flame was on my reading list from the moment it came out, but reading it this year was not as excited as I had hope.
The Arabic representation was amazing I thought. From what I know and understand of the culture, the author put a lot of work into making sure she represented the community as accurately as possible.
However. The characters fell flat for me, as did the plot. My favorite character was the the "side character" Altair, he, without a doubt to me, had the best lines and the best plot twists.
But the plot felt like so many other YA novels. I suppose I had expected more in that respect due to how the author left the typical Western-themed YA novel route and instead added more representation to the YA community.
That being said, I did enjoy the book over all. I'll need to reread it before I start the second one though. Unfortunately the book just didn't really stick out in my memory.