Not Quite “Thrilled”

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I always feel like I'm missing something in Lisa Jewell's books that other people are picking up on. There's interesting plot, distinct characters, good writing, etc...but they always fall a bit short for me. After this last one, I think I figured out what it was. They just don't have the suspense I want them to. It's like reading a mystery that you've already looked up the ending for, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I just need to adjust my expectations going forward.

Jewell really handled multiple perspectives quite well. There's a teenage girl with a mentally unstable parent, a teenage boy who's basically an incel and a horny, rudderless 20-something lusting after old married men. It took a while to get my bearings; there were a bunch of characters in close proximity, but with little connecting them besides that. Yes it came together in the end...I guess? Portions felt like Chekov's gun, especially with Joey and Tom. Why bring up green eyes so much? Or her dead mom? It's like I'm missing the last couple of chapters.

But it was engaging! I just wasn't ever 'thrilled' while reading this 'thriller'.