Stunning book about mental health

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I don’t think I have EVER read anything that explored grief in such a hauntingly sad but beautiful way. This book may be on the shorter side but it really packs a punch. While it does contain some spooky aspects it doesn’t really fit in with the other October reads I’ve picked but you know what? That’s ok though, I really enjoyed reading this… in fact I devoured it, and I’m glad I picked it up.

I don’t come across many books about kids in the foster system or that are aging out of it. While Mila had a good place to live with her fosters, the family still didn’t opt for adoption and it didn’t feel like a true home to Mila. Upon arriving at the farm everyone makes her feel welcome but soon the other residents of the farm make themselves known – even those from Mila’s past. I read a blurb somewhere and I honestly can’t remember where but it said something like this: don’t let your experiences and emotions live rent free in your head, utilize those to make your story. If that is what Nina LaCour is channeling into this book then she accomplished it.

Watch Over Me gave me a LOT of feels – which is rare for a book. It is a truly beautiful book about finding it in yourself to accept ALL of who you are. I highly recommend this book, it really isn’t often that books get me and this one did. I would like to thank Bookish First & the publisher for the opportunity to read a copy of the book – all opinions are my own.