Missed the Mark

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I was so eager for this book to come out. The more I thought about it the more I was interested to see what happened to Mila when she went to the farm. So as soon as it came out I was on it! And while I will say that it was a fast and somewhat enjoyable read I left feeling dissatisfied. I think that this could be an interesting and useful book for someone dealing with grief or loss but it just wasn't quite what I wanted it to be.
I think my biggest problem with it was that Mila came off as very entitled to me. Not at the start, but as she went through. I think I really started to notice it when she had been there for a few months and started noticing that other people were wearing jewelry from Julia and Terry. She was immediately covetous and expecting of a piece of jewelry herself. She had no idea if those were birthday presents or Christmas presents (and hadn't been there long enough at the time to have experienced those things). But she seemed to feel she had a right to that after just a few months of being there. Her jealousy also got old. I understand you want to fit in, but constantly going around being upset because people have relationships outside of the one they have with you just gets old to read about after a while.
I though her and Lee's relationship and bond was quite though (if sudden) and lead to some of the sweetest moments in the book. He also anchored Mila. Lee was from start to finish my favorite character and I found myself wishing that some of the book had been from his perspective.
Takeaway is that it was ok, but just didn't really deliver what I was hoping. I was hoping for more in the line of a thriller and got more of a trip... that's the best way to describe it.
Also... wtf to Mila's mom. What the heck happened there?!?