Not my kind of book

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desiree leonard Avatar


I got sick and I couldn't review it as fast as I wanted it to but once I was feeling better and I started reading it it was one of those books that I was really excited about the cover was great and grabbed my attention seemed to be a book that would really keep me motivated but I honestly could not get into this book at all it was very slow paced I put it down I started a different book and then I picked it back up hoping that maybe it was just me and I started to read it again and I honestly could not even finish the book I was really disappointed I was really excited for it when I want it but I could not finish it the characters were great the wording was wonderful it just was not a fast-paced book like I enjoy and it was hard for me to stay hooked and wanting to read more of it so I could not finish the book. Maybe maybe one day I will try another one of her books but not right now.