Well written and emotional

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Gil lives in a neighborhood in Brooklyn where he seems to feel very at home. This book excerpt begins as two things are happening: j’ouvert and Gil starting a new school in a different neighborhood. Everyone is treating him like he’s moving far away but, as far as I can tell, he’s just changing schools. So that gives you so,e indication of what a big deal this is.
I hadn’t heard of J’ouvert before so I put down the excerpt to google it. The ironic part is that the google article mentioned police presence at this event and the book excerpt did too. I’m guessing that’s not a coincidence.
I like how, right off the bat, reading this excerpt helped me to learn something new.
As the excerpt moved on to a story a friend of Gil’s getting hurt, I could tell this was going to be an emotional read too.
I think this will be well done. It stirs up a range of emotions very quickly.