I wanted to like it

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carolinek13 Avatar


I wanted to like this book so badly, but I just couldn’t do it. Christopher Paolini is well known for his Eragon series and is firmly held in that fantasy world. Everything about this book felt like he was trying to stay comfortably in that world, yet break out of that box and be known for something else.

This is classic sci-fi. alien relics, lost worlds, everything that is to be expected of a sci Fi novel. I did think the book was at least 300 pages too long. It got to the point that it was droning on rather than being driving. It’s like the plot decided that they wanted to be a passenger princess for a while and didn’t know when to request to drive again. That’s not to say that the story was bad, but it just never ended.

This story was really a story of first alien contact, which has been done so frequently that something needs to be exceptional for it to stand out. Unfortunately, nothing about thsi books did. It was good, just never reached great