Captivating A magical mixture of opposites

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I try not to judge a book by the cover, preferring the blurb or synopsis to sway me but the deep coloring of this cover does draw one in and encourage being picked up to learn more. It has an atmospheric quality reflecting both the artistic and mysterious nature of the plot.

I admire anyone who can mix fact and fiction seamlessly into a page turning novel. This first look has many qualities I find fascinating. It made me curious about Jenny's dark past and need for a new name. Why does she avoid colors?

I am more an artist of the heart, being able to see and appreciate elements, rather than allowing myself to capture those visions on a page. I have a great respect for anyone who follows her dreams, especially when overcoming obstacles.

This book is set in one of my favorite periods, a time of great change and influence. Rather than turn me away, I am drawn in by the mysticism aspect. I also am inspired by and respect strong women who stand up for their values.
That said, I can understand others, like Minx, who repeat patterns learned, such as substituting gifts for emotional reward. This sounds like it will be an emotional read.

The mystery of returning to the ruins of the art school fire... what is the pull that drew Jenny there from Paris, that has had an influence on her life for decades. This first look intrigued and excited me.