Beautiful Cover and Excerpt

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The cover, one of the finest I have seen in a long time, very attractive and a little similar to the Loki Ring cover of the new release in March but, I think, a little above what they have on the advanced read. However, it makes readers stop and pause to see what the book is about.
The excerpt was a very well written one. Sometimes, even a great cover and book can be left to be a little confusing, esp. sci-fi/ fantasy reads buy here, everything was stated in a way that was very understandable, cognizant, and made a reader really want the book. That this was a hard week were two of the books looked good, I am only happy that all the "claim books" were taken and hopefully, that somehow, I will get this read through another outlet as it sounds like one of the best fantasy releases in a long while.
It seems a little like the Hermes Protocol description we read recently, where the main character was a investigator of sorts, as this main character is a paranormal typish investigator. That seems really cool and something I didn't catch in my first read through. And, that this book sounds a little like the soon released Bitter Medicine, which is a great read, makes me excited for this too. I am surprised that this book was not on the top ten horror/ sci-fi/ fantasy Publishers Weekly releases, like Bitter Medicine and Witch King. To me, it sounds just as exciting, if not more so.
Also, that there is a familial relationship in the book, also like Bitter Medicine, makes me want to find out which book, of the two, were better. Or, if they each, in their own right, stand on their merits. Because, after reading the excerpt there are a lot of similar story points and I think readers of one would enjoy the other, just like I think I would.