A Pretty Good Read

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I thought that Thirsty was a pretty good read overall.

One thing I loved about this book was the lesbian representation--I thought it was really well done. Going along with that, I thought the characters in this book were well-formed and fleshed out, so that was great.

One thing I didn't love about this book was the plot. There was hardly any plot at all, as nothing was really happening. As much as I love a character-driven story, I also like there to be some element of plot, or else I find myself getting bored. That was part of the reason I had a hard time picking this book back up again whenever I put it down.

Obviously this is a work of fiction, so things will be made up. However, because this is a contemporary story, I still expect elements to be believable. And unfortunately for me, there are elements that just didn't feel believable to me as I was reading.

But this isn't a bad book by any means, and I encourage anyone who thinks it sounds interesting to give it a go!