Teen Self Destruction via Frenetic Bad Behavior

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What this book does well and does immediately is convey the frenetic behavior of a teenager who hides insecurities via attention-getting comments and frenetic bad behavior. However, I found myself wanting a little more back story on the first-person narrator; perhaps that comes soon in the next chapter. There certainly would be opportunities for teens to discuss the behavior and the problem with trashing another person's personal property - even if that person has done something that seems unacceptable, in this case dressing in Black face. I wish another character had immediately brought up the point that if we react with violence when something insults our ideas or personal standards, then that means others can feel entitled to retaliate. Sadly, it is a vicious cycle. Does this book ever address that? While a costume of Black face is insulting and racist, it is not the same as kneeling on someone's neck. Whew, this book seems to be a fast-paced spiral into more and more problems. I will round this rating up to a 4.