Such a burning beginning

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They Wish They Were Us is a story of life after, after an event that these teens wish they could forget...but they seem to have forgotten and moved on already. Each year at their private school starts with a memorial to their dead friend. There is a flash back to the “time before” where we get to meet Shelia, our dead friend, and discover that like most teens she is not the perfect child her parents and school think she is.

Reminds me of JawBreaker or Heathers; seems bright and fun with an undertone of death and mystery. They quickly get into life in the school with a special club “Players” who have access to quiz answers and more to help these lucky few into the college of their choice.

They mention “8 becoming 6” in reference to “that night” but the school only honors 1 girl. I need to know what happened that night and where the other person disappeared to. I am really enjoying this story and can’t wait to see how everything with the Players turns out!