Not a runner, but happy read about running!

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"They'll Never Catch Us" is a sisterhood story embedded within a crazy high school drama. By the end of the book, I was happy to A) not be in high school anymore B) not have a sister. Actually, maybe the latter isn't quite true; reading about Stella and Ellie, two track stars that are determined to run their way into a college scholarship and out of their small town, felt like a way to live out sibling rivalry in a way I have never experienced.

I went into this book expecting more of a thriller- after all, the cover of the book is a bloody shoe! This was not a 'scary' or even 'suspense' book- it is better classified as a mystery. As a mystery, it does a great job. What happened in the past with the characters? What happened to the disappearing girls?

When I first finished this book, I felt that this was a 4-star read. The ending concluded the current mystery in a satisfactory way and overall, it was a good read. This is a quick read, and I recommend it the YA audience that it is marketed to. On closer reflection though, I felt the reactions to death/loss/awkward situations was not very authentic. As the pieces of the 'puzzle' come into place, I had a hard time believing that these characters would act as flippantly as they seem to. But hey, I'm not a teenager anymore, so maybe I just can't relate ;).

This was a good read and I really enjoyed the main sisterhood aspect of the story. Thank you to Penguin Teen for providing me a copy of this book as a Bookishfirst giveaway.