I loved it

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I loved the book! It was a great light read full of magic murder and mystery. The book was a very easy read. The plot was well written and I did not see who murdered the sorcerer. I loved the relationship that is developing between Tabitha and Callum was absolutely fantastic and realistic. at first I thought it would be similar 70 mickey's sorcerer apprentice as that’s usually my go to thought about sorcery. I’m so glad I was wrong. I enjoyed the development of sorcerer Solomon having the magic version of Alzheimer's and the affects it was having an his brain and how that meant he had to rely on others. I loved how Tabitha stood up for what she wanted and that it was more than just about a boy, but about why she chose to study with sorcerer Solomon to begin with. She was a strong female character without being unlikeable or selfish or overbearing. I can't wait to read more from Andrea tang.