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DNF at 20%
So….. I grabbed this book this morning, intending to keep reading but you know what…. I realized I didn’t care about what was going on.

I liked the nerd references. As an anime fan for 16 years, of course I did. But I wasn’t too happy with how they were implemented - a huge looooong paragraph explaining Dragon Ball? Anyone who knows anime knows it and anyone who doesn’t can look it up? And the way his friends commented on his mention of Goku like they haven’t had this exact conversation multiple times? It made no sense if they’ve been friends for a long time for the convo to be new to them. It just didn’t feel realistic.

Then there are the girls. So he hooks up with this popular girl who he wants his friends to like and he wants to get in with that crowd, prove that he can date her. YET when Mackenzie stepped up to the table at the orientation, he immediately went, “nope I don’t want her in the club bc she’s my enemy’s sister.” Which just felt like the rudest thing ever. And went against what he’s trying to do now??
And Mackenzie is the other girl in this love triangle yet she is SUPER mean to him? Like not even teasing mean, I legit hated their interactions and her.

Then the flashback use. God, I really hated the entire chapter about him meeting the popular girl RIGHT when we wanted to find out what she was going to say to him at the party. Bad timing, sorry. And then later, a flashback appears in the middle of the chapter and I’m confused where we are for a second.

All in all, I think this is one of those YA books that is SO dramatic and has all these stereotypes that I hate. Popular crowd vs geeks is old. I just don’t want to read about that.

Maybe this gets better, maybe other people will like it more. But I don’t have the patience to find out.