Fell a little flat for me

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Neena and Josie are best friends who are about to go their separate ways, Neena is moving across the US to go to some fancy college, while Josie is staying close to home to go to a local college. They want to have one last hoorah before they part ways so they decide to go on a backpacking trip in the Appalachian mountains. Neither girl has any experience backpacking and it's clear from the beginning that this trip isn't going to go down smoothly. The girls start bickering and halfway through the trip Josie has a terrible accident and Neena has to leave her to go for help. But someone is watching them and soon it becomes evident that they want to do the girls harm.

This book had a lot of potential but it fell flat in a few areas for me..

The good: Spooky cover, very creepy thriller after about 50% and I flew through the last half of the book.

The not so good: The juvenile bickering that is the first half of the book was not for me. I feel like it was there to create tension but it was just annoying. Also, Josie's injuries are pretty severe and the fact that she is able to overcome them to escape is pretty unbelievable.. she should have been dead or at the very least un-able to escape. There is just no way she could have overtaken a full grown man with her foot dangling and her hand missing. And the big bummer for me was that there was no epilogue so we don't get to see how the girls recover from their ordeal or if the other victims are found or if the serial killers bodies are found. I like to know these things and the book just ends as they are walking out of the woods together.

Note: I would check the content warnings on this one because there was a lot of gore and mentions of sexual assault, murder, and more that I'm just not thinking of.