Surprisingly Funny!

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The cover prepares the reader for an eerie and daunting atmosphere, but the first look does not quite reveal that aspect of the story yet. Instead, character introductions are filled with comedic banter I can only hope will continue throughout the novel. Two girls hiking in the woods with virtually no experience in outdoor survival presents a hilarious situation, seen in the way the girls are failing to achieve the goals they set out within the first few hours of their hike. The spooky element is lightly introduced in the form of rumors and jokes, but I suspect the true plot will not arise until later in the book which could be potentially slow. The envious relationship bubbling between the friends increases throughout the first day, and has the potential to split the friendship later on. I'm interested to see how their characters tackle the fear and jealousy of future separation as they deal with the toils of camping and the haunting I expect they must endure.