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This book had so much potential that I just wish it delivered on. The story follows three different characters and their intertwined relationship with a wealthy pediatrician and his sick wife who has become a medically-induced recluse in their shared bedroom. Secrets abound between these five people, with everything coming out bit by teasing bit between chapters told from three different perspectives and bits of police interviews that occur after two bodies are found in the pediatrician's home.

Overall, it is definitely a page turner, and I love a good slow-burn mystery that reveals pieces bit by bit until they form a picture, but not before throwing in a few extra twists for good measure. The three perspectives did feel a bit crowded though, and I think making the chapters longer would have gone a long way in improvements. It felt like it consistently took me a couple of pages to re-orient after each perspective change, and then the chapter was over and moving on to the next. I absolutely enjoyed this read, it just will likely not be a go-to recommendation for me.