Good Mystery Thriller

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I enjoyed the "sneak peek" of "The Woman Inside" on the BookishFirst website so much, that I decided to use some of my points to guarantee an arc of this novel. Mr. M.T. Edvardsson did a good job of developing the plot and I enjoyed the setting. However, I felt that the characters could have been better developed throughout the story. I could never decide if one of the main characters, Bill Olsson, was a good guy with a gambling addiction, or a conniving liar that took advantage of naive individuals. I also felt that that the backgrounds of some of the other characters could have received more detail. I enjoyed the creativity that Ms. M. T. Edvardsson gave to the ending of this novel. The mystery has the readers guessing until the end. I also liked how the author provided detail of the character's lives after the mystery of the deaths was revealed.