Wife Included
The Wives: A Memoir ~ details one woman's true-life experience as the spouse of an army special unit soldier. She outlines her early marriage, as her husband was just entering the special unit training, then on through his early deployments and assignments that truly tried her emotional stamina as the loved one left behind. She emphasized the bonding of the wives as a support group for one another, to help each other get through the daily trials and crises, to add that extra layer of emotional care they all needed. Many were young and raising children or experiencing pregnancies alone while their husbands were away. The sacrifices of soldiers in the field extends to their personal lives, as they are striving for personal safety at war and missing much of their family's daily and special moments at home. The author did a good job of showing the sacrifices that was being made on both sides.
This was an interesting memoir in that it reminded me of sacrifices made by many to keep our country safe. Even if I didn't agree with all her statements, I kept in mind that it was her memoir, after all, and the overlying point of sacrifice by the wives and family, along with the soldier, did impact my thinking. Thank you to all who have served or who are the spouse of one serving and supporting their loved one.
Thank you, Bookishfirst, for gifting me an ARC for my review.
#simonegorrindo #thewivesamemoir #Goodreads #bookishfirst
This was an interesting memoir in that it reminded me of sacrifices made by many to keep our country safe. Even if I didn't agree with all her statements, I kept in mind that it was her memoir, after all, and the overlying point of sacrifice by the wives and family, along with the soldier, did impact my thinking. Thank you to all who have served or who are the spouse of one serving and supporting their loved one.
Thank you, Bookishfirst, for gifting me an ARC for my review.
#simonegorrindo #thewivesamemoir #Goodreads #bookishfirst