Military Sacrifice

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The Wives by Simone Gorrindo is a memoir but reads like literary fiction. It is the story of everyday life and life's ups and downs but life accentuated by the constant fears and uncertainties of being in the military and living on base. Simone introduces military wives and their husbands and shares their everyday trials and their reactions to the stressful life they are living so that you feel like you know exactly who each of these people are. Simone explores the question of who her military husband really is. She questions what makes him tick, how he does what he does, why he wants to do what he does and how that impacts their relationship dynamics. I have no connection to military life, not even a remote one but was drawn to this book because I like to experience other people's lives. Simone did a great job of describing the personal torment of her life as well as its joys. I would like to thank BookishFirst and Simon and Schuster for getting an early copy of this book in my hands. I give the book four stars and would recommend it not only to someone who needs reassurance, companionship and comfort as a military wife, but someone who wants to understand more fully the sacrifices our military families make for us.