Gained a whole new appreciation for military wives

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I closed the book feeling like I had spent years with the wives within its pages.

The writer does a great job of expressing the depth of the bond between the wives of the unit during deployments. You see their strengths and their weaknesses. You see their mess and their grit.

They bond together despite differences of opinion on politics and religion. The seasoned wives help the new as much as the new help the seasoned.

The wives portray a wonderful example of the "it takes a village" culture that is sadly so rarely seen today.

I was also given an intimate glimpse of what it is like to be married to someone on active duty. I saw the strain it puts on marriages. I watched the communication walls go up from war secrets that cannot be shared. I saw two people fight to stay together despite these obstacles --and they won.

And within the midst of it, all was a tale of a woman finding the strength to be who she was meant to be.