Woo Hoo! What a good book!!

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Woohoo! What a good book! I can strongly recommend this book except for the crappy day I had after staying up all night in order to finish it.
Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen have sure tangled an interesting web with this plot. There’s not a lot of detail to give that won’t ruin the plot (which I absolutely refuse to do). But I can say this: for the first 30-40% of the book you may think you’ve got it all figured out. Such a typical plot. So mundane but I’ll finish reading it anyway.
Then, you turn the page. What you read doesn’t make sense. You go back and make sure you didn’t skip any pages. You didn’t. You slowly accept that you’ve been hoodwinked. And believe it or not, it gets better from there.
The characters are believable and crisp; you’ll either like them or detest them. The setting is so very believable; you probably have friends that have been affected by marriage in the same manner described in this book.
Just read it. It’s so worth it. I anxiously await more from this writing duo!
My thanks go to the Publisher and Bookish First for the opportunity to read this book.