I Need More!

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I began this story thinking it might be another crazy first wife, beautiful yet naive second finance, and handsome yet selfish ex-husband story. Those have been written ad-nauseum. However, this book is quite different. In the first four chapters, the authors manage to fill out the characters enough to care about them (the women anyways, the husband is still a bit of an enigma). This is not the standard, 1st wife was wronged, goes crazy, terrifies 2nd wife type of story.

We are allowed to go right into the head of the first wife. We join in her struggles and emotional turmoil. But there is still enough mystery about her to keep me reading. The 2nd soon-to-be wife is also someone that I quickly learn to care about. She is not a beautiful trophy wife, but a woman who is working hard and has a past that has traumatized her.

The part that gets me the most, though, is the part of the teaser that says "Assume Nothing!" What is the twist(s)? Is it like Girl on a Train, or First Wives Club (though darker) or does it go in an entirely different direction? I need to know what happens next!

About the Book Cover

The title lends even more intrigue because you don't know if the title refers to the 2nd (soon-to-be) wife talking about the 1st wife, or the 1st wife talking about the 2nd (soon-to-be) wife.

The juxtaposition of the faces with the younger face looking to the side and the older of the two women looking start towards us lends a dark side to this story, to include how the book is in different shades of blue in the background.