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WOW I loved this book!! I am actually surprised with how much I liked it! It's very well layered and put together, with just the right amount of twists to keep you going, but not too many where it's unbelievable. It's creepy, thoughtful, and well put together in my opinion. The author masterfully navigates the complexities of father-son relationships and the impact of generational trauma. There are themes of grief, moving on, and forgiveness layered into the story very easily, it's not just a murder-thriller. This book was easy to follow, which I feel like is key when it comes to mystery/thrillers. Sometimes I feel like mystery/thriller authors overcomplicate their books to make them "better" but can loose the reader along the way, but this book doesn't do that. You are right there with the characters as the story develops. There were several times where I thought I had pieced together a plot point and was surprised with what the real answer was and I LOVED that. You alternate mainly between three point of views, the son, the dad and the detective on the case. So sometimes it ends up where you know something the detective doesn't know, or you know something the dad doesn't know and such. All in all, this was a VERY good book and I would highly recommend it.