Creepy Spooky Reading vibes

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This book was everything and more. I read it in more or less one setting, throwing dinner in the crockpot and letting all house stuff go because onceI had read the first few chapters I knew my day was going to be spent finishin this book.

The creepy spooky vibes were played up so well. The characters were likeable at times and ones you were like ugh why did you do that at times. The suspense was inserted at just the right times holding your interest and keeping to flipping the pages.

This might the first horror/thriller novel I've read where it centered around a widowed father and his son. So that was refreshing. This thriller does not disappoint and is perfect for Fall spooky read or any season. The cover is amazing and really makes you pick up the book to find out what it's about. Alex North sold me and I'll be a reader of his books from this point on.