Amazing Debut

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This book has a lot of layers to it which was surprising to me since the book was a thriller. I usually find they aren't very deep. The book deals with alcoholism, forgiveness and fatherhood; which I find to be rare in thrillers.
We have the characters of Tom Kennedy and his son Jake who are moving into a new house after Tom's wife and Jake's mother died. Odd things start happening to them and Jake is claiming that he is hearing whispering to him. Tom doesn't exactly believe his son since, Jake has a tendency to talk to himself at times.
A little boy has gone missing and the stories from the detectives Pete and Ann are also seen as the chapter focus. The strange thing is the disappearance is a lot like the crimes of the Whisper Man who has been in jail for 20 years. The detectives are trying to find who is the Copycat while trying to protect Tom and Jake since they seem to be the next targets.
I flew through the ending of this book. I felt a lot more engaged the farther into the book I got. I found myself gasping and saying what at the book, trying to guess who the real killer was and to try and keep my heart from racing (I can get a little too into my books at times).