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From the cover, I thought the book would be in the thriller/mystery genre (I was right) and I thought it would have to do with identity, or fingerprints, or something along the lines of that (not sure if I'm right on that).

The book banks on getting an emphatic connection with the reader from its opening page, and it does an average job at that---there's a few cliched lines (mostly about how carefully the narrator drove) there that might turn away readers who've read a million thrillers, but the cliches are definitely not the worst of its kind.

The prose reads methodically and sequentially; it's like a detective report was used as a foundation for the story and was turned into a novel. The prose is clear and easy to follow, but lacks emotional depth.

Regardless, I'm interested in the concept of the "monster in the woods" figure. I wonder what exactly the monster is, and how it charmed the kid well enough to spirit them away or whatever.