A Re-readable Romance!

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The first book in a growing series (that can all be read as stand-alones; characters thread, but no prior knowledge is needed), Jasmine Guillory certainly reeled me in to a position where I'm now one of her biggest fans. This book centers on a male and female lead who end up trapped in a broken elevator together, and the man invited the woman to be his date to his ex's wedding (ultimately as his faux-girlfriend). Ah, the faux-girlfriend. A tried and true romance trope. We could end here and think we know what happens, but this book is so much more than the old standard premise, and the twist of complete strangers taking on this adventure (rather than the typical friends who either secretly or don't know yet that they like each other) keeps you hooked. The author offers well-developed, likable characters who you really want to root for. I also greatly appreciate books that alternate between the male and female perspective; sometimes when we just get the female perspective, it's a bit too close to real life ("What IS he thinking??"). I want to know what the male protagonist is feeling! Nothing about the author's book(s) are particularly groundbreaking or exciting, but they're warm, funny, and dependable, which is sometimes just what we need. They're eminently re-readable, feel-good books. And I like that.