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I was very excited to receive The Wedding Date from the Bookish First Program. The cover is gorgeous, the book already generated a lot of buzz, and the premise sounds so much fun. Drew meets Alexa in an elevator, Drew needs a date for the wedding of his ex that he is attending, so he asks Alexa to be his wedding date and his pretend girlfriend. Their relationship develops from there. Based on the cover and the premise I was expecting a story full of humor and charm. Unfortunately there was very little humor, whatever humor was there wasn't funny, and there was not a lot of charm either. The first few chapters were quite good but the rest of the book left me wanting more.

The Wedding Date had all the makings of a great modern love story about an interracial couple, both high-powered career-oriented individuals who are trying to navigate a long distance relationship. There was a lot of potential for tension and an interesting dynamic that wasn't realized. It seemed as though their entire relationship consisted of eating donuts, tacos, or pizza, drinking coffee or wine, and having either sex or weird unnecessary fights. I was bored most of the time I was reading, there was not much else happening in the book. I also found both Alexa and Drew immature. They are in their thirties, Drew is a pediatric doctor and Alexa is mayor's chief of stuff but very often they behaved more like teenagers than successful adults. I was frustrated with them both and didn't find their love story endearing. Needless to say The Wedding Date did not live up to my expectations.