A bit over the top

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wanderinglynn Avatar


The whole STADA/IKEA thing was a bit much (yes, it's clear from the cover to the first paragraph that STADA, caps and all, is supposed to be IKEA). But then came SHRINK (again all caps), and Swyft (at least that name wasn't in all caps). It was also a bit much that the names kept being constantly repeated (in all caps - I felt like the text was yelling these fictional brands at me. Why did it always need to be in caps after the first time?). And why did so many sentences need to sound as if it were in a STADA (IKEA) catalogue: "Karl tapped the side of his Festive Plastic Plate with a Useful Fork." I get that it's a writing gimmick, but it got old quick. And I get that Ava is supposed to be an engineer, and therefore quirky (for lack of a better word) and that it's her perception of the world to see everything like a STADA catalogue, but I just got tired of it after a couple of pages. I usually like a quirky character, like Elinor Oliphant, which the synopsis compares this book to, but this book just seems like a cheap knock-off.