I enjoyed it :)

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I've really been on a thriller/horror kick lately so I was so excited to dive into The Taking of Jake Livingston! It's a dark, challenging, fast-paced paranormal thriller, and it really lives up to the comparison with Get Out and Danielle Vega! It perfectly blended the commentary on identity, when it is stripped from you, race and colonialism, and trauma.

I was on the edge of my seat the entire 250 pages, as the book did a really good job of conveying the life-or-death urgency for the characters. This is not a book to read alone in the dark or at night. I had to put it down to finish in the morning cause i was getting a spooked :). I loved the aspect of the ghosts and how well thought out it was. The writing and descriptions made the ghosts feel tangible and spooky, which really added to the atmosphere. I know some readers would have preferred the book to be longer to develop certain aspects more, but I actually liked the pithy prose and the straight-to-the-point this book was.

Overall this was such a great horror read, and I absolutely cannot wait to read Douglass's future books.