At the end, you WILL feel good about yourself....

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imabibliophile Avatar


This book was something that wasn't really up my alley. I'm not a "self-help" type reader (there are SO many things to read, and so little time) but when I won this book from BookishFirst, I thought I could give it a whirl.

This book really made me feel like I was looking inside myself, and looking toward faith and God to make myself happier and more fulfilled. This is the type of self-help that I find to be the most beneficial. Changing a mind set is an easy thing to do, that can pay its weight in gold to create a better life for people. Even if you do not have a faith based philosophy, this book can help you look on relying on the internal locus of control, to make your life so much better.

I really enjoyed the short devotionals, and the hardcover book was just beautiful. I loved the cover, and just looking at it brightened my mood, with the happy yellow color.

Thank you to the authors, publisher and to Bookish First for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.