An ambitious & promising first novel

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Ryan Van Loan's 'The Sin in the Steel' is an ambitious first novel. The story absolutely delivers on its promise of adventure. But its different strands of Sherlockian mystery, high seas epic, and magic-driven fantasy are not as even, or as strong, as they could be.

Initially I struggled to lose myself in the story; however, the more I read, the more invested I became. I think this experience points to issues with pacing and world-building at the book's outset. There's more telling than showing as we first learn about Buc's brilliance and grit; about the world we've landed in; etc.

When the book transitioned to pirate adventure, though, I became hooked. There's an energy and excitement there that reminds me of watching 'Pirates of the Caribbean' as a kid.

Also, as a last note, I loved the epilogue. It wasn't what I expected, but it's an interesting structure and story choice. I'm anticipating that 'The Sin in the Steel' will have a sequel.

Thank you to Ryan Van Loan, Tor and Bookish First for my ARC.