Roller Coaster of THIS and THAT! Loved It!!

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I have waited along time for another book to come along that I have a hard time putting down. Then every time I put it down, I think about when I am going to be able to pick it up, and read it again. The Silent Patient is a book I didn't want to put down.

This is a debut novel by Alex Michaelides. I definitely will reading more of his books. His writing style for this psychological thriller reminds me of Michael Palmer. I was surprised how much I loved this book.
Why did I loved, The Silent Patient? From the first few pages I was pulled into Alicia's world. An artist that suffers from a lot. I could relate to her, I could sympathize with her. Author Michaelides didn't have to tell every detail and describe everything to get me to relate to her as the main character. In fact, I felt as though I knew a lot of the characters in the book.
Theo the psychotherapist trying to help Alicia was wonderfully written as well, you could feel his need to help Alicia. I could feel his emotions. He wanted to know more and so did I, about why Alicia killed her beloved Gabriel.
I had no clue if Alicia was telling everything through being silent and conveying her guilt. As the book unfolded and I was taken on a roller coaster of this and that. First, I believed this and then I changed it to that. It was a ride that I could not wait to finish. But then when I finished the roller coaster of this and that. I was shocked! I was left on the roller coaster contemplating what I had just done ( what?!!!?, no that did not just happen?). It was all in front of me laid out and I had to get off the ride. I had to accept it. I was just in shock. That was a great book!

Overall, this was an awesome book. The only thing negative I have to say. The authors language sometimes. I don't see the need for so many F bombs. So if you are sensitive to those then pass on this book. However, I just ignored the F Bombs and enjoyed the book. I also love how the author describes love through a character named Ruth in this book. After being with my husband 20 years I finally had love described in a way it should be. Love is very quiet, very still, deep and calm and constant. I will be reading more of Michaelides books, but I think I already said that. This is a must read.