I really liked it.

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I really loved Michaelades’ pace in this one. The reader gets dragged along, knowing there is a “twist” of some kind and that we don’t have all of the information to piece it together right away, which can be hit or miss for me, but in this case I really just enjoyed being along for the ride. I have seen so many adoring reviews of this book, so I think it’s safe to say it is already become a beloved thriller and the author has made a name for himself as a go-to.

I ended up giving it four stars because I did figure the end out before it actually happened, and a five star thriller for me has to really keep me on my toes, but I don’t think that should discourage anyone from reading it. Truly a best of 2019.

I also really like the cover of this book. Thrillers can all start to read and look the same. This one stands out if you are browsing at a bookstore through the section and I’d like to see a few more follow this lead.