so much of what I love in a story

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This book was so much of what I love in a story. It had interesting characters, an inviting premise, a cool world/magic system, and a lot of twists to keep you hooked right until the end. From the moment I picked this one up I was hooked and with each new development, I was just brought in further and further right up until the end of the story where I had to unfortunately disconnect because I am not blessed with the power of time manipulation so that I could jump to the publication of the sequel.

This book took me on a trip that had me alternating from laughing at the silly and goofy characters, to feeling sad at the tragedies, to lovesick at the romance, to angry at the characters for being so stubborn, and to just about every other emotion imaginable under the sun. There were several times when I had just about had it with the author for daring to be that good at writing and making me so invested in the plot.

This book is perfect for fans of:
Strike the Zither
Iron Widow
Descendant of the Crane
Zhara: Guardians of Dawn
Garden of the Cursed
A Magic Steeped in Poison

I just had the greatest time with this book and I know you all will as well.